Journal of Borderland Research » Water Research Serving Higher Intelligence Since 1945 Sun, 30 Mar 2014 05:18:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 From Alchemy to Ecotechnology Fri, 04 Mar 2011 04:20:07 +0000 ]]>

Comments by James Borges, with excerpts from Viktor Schauberger‘s “The Dethronement Of Science” (Implosion Magazine, May 1955, No. 50), as originally printed in Journal of Borderland Research (2004 annual)

The tradition of Borderland Sciences is based on the methods used in antiquity before the Dark Ages of Civilization. It was the science that raised the Pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. It was the science that is hinted at in the Vedas. It was the science that brought about a Golden Age of humanity in all areas of the world. Then there arose a new class of rulers who were pragmatic and materialistic, whose dim consciousness then suppressed Borderland Sciences and the Dark Ages were begun. The Golden Age had led to an expansion of the individual that was not conducive to tightly controlled fundamentalist society. The Dark Ages gave birth to the secret mystery school of Alchemy. The tradition of the Borderland Scientist would continue to persist in small laboratories until it would blossom again in profound thinkers like Swedenborg, Goethe, Schauberger and Tesla. The flame of the lamp grows steadily brighter and casts away the darkness. The shadows flicker and as the Truth is slowly revealed the walls will rumble as Materialistic Science is tumbled from its throne.

“The teachings of the Tabula Smaragdina were incised into the hardest precious stone the emerald. Handed down to us from antiquity, they preach that a happy and healthy existence is dependent on the naturalesque intermixture of the stuff of Heaven and Earth. The progeny of this marriage between exalted atmospheric and geospheric ethericities is water, the blood of the Earth. This ur-source of life comes into being when the ethericities of the Earth bind with those of Heaven. For this the maternal forces and energies must be more powerful than the incident fertilizing substances, for of the process takes place in reverse order, then fire is created.”

Schauberger is of the same mystic tradition of Goethe; the depths of perception employed in the western mystery tradition had profound influences on both these Borderland Scientists. The use of alchemical and eidetic imagery stirs the very foundation of consciousness and is deeply expressed in the world view of these great thinkers. Like Goethe, Schauberger takes us into the realm of inner perception to demonstrate before our “minds-eye” the interchange between the ethericities of Earth and Heaven. From this powerful kernel of imagery Shauberger will expand and emanate practical ideas and applications. This is the tradition of Borderland Science; the initial investigations are done internally in the perceptions and ideas of the experimenter. From this borderland, practical ideas emerge and are developed. The tendency of Borderland Scientists to speculate on the long term evolution of an idea is based on method. All life begins as a simple form and gradually grows more complex. Once an idea is taken into the perceptions and fully integrated it takes on a life of its own, it reveals the potentials inherent in its form. As if time is sped up, the borderland perception is one of utter wholeness. Those without this perception tend to mock the leaps the scientist makes with their claims for the future. It would seem silly to speak of building a bridge when a tree is just a sapling if a person had never seen a tree before, but in time the tree will grow and the person will understand how it could be used to build a bridge. Schauberger, like all Borderland Scientists, relies heavily on the inner perceptions to conceive the inner processes of nature.

“The art of increasing and qualitatively improving water has been so thoroughly lost over the millennia that today no one knows what water actually is. How it comes into being, how it deteriorates or how it dies and subsides is still a mystery. If the degeneration and disappearance of water cannot be successfully halted, the earth will turn into a treeless desert. The whole of civilization is threatened! The survival or disappearance of humanity is thus at stake. We are concerned here with neither politics, nor racism, nor an invention in the usual sense of the word, but with the question: what is more important for evolution and development, water or fire? This is what it is all about, and nothing else! Everything else must retreat far into the background. Without water there is no habitat and no life!

Most people know that machines are indirectly driven by fire. Entirely unknown, however, is that energy can be achieved far more simply and cheaply through the artificial production of water. Furthermore, growth can be promoted, increased and ennobled in the process. Therefore not only will the problem of an independent existence be solved, but in the future there will be no shortage of raw materials provided the mixture of heavenly and earthly essence can be naturalesquely fostered. This involves the industrial duplication of ‘photo-synthesis’, which is conditional on the possibility of energizing the hydrocarbons. With this discovery (which the University of California has so far sought in vain) all armed conflict will be unnecessary. In future no sane individual will allow himself to be drawn into a war merely to satisfy power-mongers.

All robbery will likewise cease once everything is available in superabundance, for with the artificial production of water, vast tracts of desert can be restored to their former fertility and provide living space for the ever-increasing mass of humanity. There will no longer be the need to exploit this ancient art for the purposes of war. Whether the disturbance of the water-balance happened out of ignorance or to maintain the economic status quo, through the iniquitous world-wide traffic in foodstuffs and raw materials, cannot be addressed here.

The fact is that, as today’s technology has progressed, the point has been reached where the proliferation of cancer is not only universal, but apparently unstoppable. For this reason the only solution is to put an end to the self-deception by reintroducing practices that promote the natural treatment of water. All this has nothing to do with science for it involves the diametric reversal of the methods applied by today’s fire-sitting technology, a technology that should be considered the true causative agent of cancer. Perhaps it is necessary for the misery and privation of humanity to become so intense, before it is finally recognized that science, as the guiding force of humanity, has made a disastrous blunder by implementing reversed energetic interactions between basic elements. In consequence, any possibility of resuscitating Nature’s principal formative substance, reduced protein, was brought to a halt. It was thus inevitable that the process of decay would become so rife in both air and water. This exemplifies the disastrous errors in motion and excitation made by a science founded on unnatural principles.”

Schauberger is expressing a vital lesson in alchemy. He is illustrating the how the qualities of water promote life and those of fire promote death. Schauberger is not afraid to contrast the terrifying specter of extinction that is the result of misguided science with optimistic speculations of the future if we can dethrone science as we know it. By contrasting the ‘unnatural principles’ with his own observations, Schauberger gives a glimpse at the breadth of thinking required to synthesize science with natural principles. The principles put forward by Schauberger show how nature is “a constantly self-changing interaction triggered by constant fluctuations in temperature”, this become clear by contrast to the self-annihilation breed by modern technology. The Borderland Scientists often use contrast in very emotional terms. There is some degree of sorrow when the projections of ideas are made in the inner perceptions and followed out to perfection and it becomes clear to the scientist that our world is sadly going in the wrong direction. Schauberger never dwells on the negative but always pushes past with an idea for healing and change, a wonderful example for the doom and gloom radio hosts and ilk.

“The Nobel Prize winner, Otto Warburg, proposed in a scientific journal that the formation of cancer cells was caused be a deficiency of oxygen. A healthy cell is supplied with oxygen by the blood and uses it to process nutrients, thereby acquiring life-energy. However, Warburg has now asserted that the cell receives too little oxygen. As a result the lactic acid becomes thoroughly fermented, the cell grows and divides more rapidly and in the process turns into a cancer cell. This is also confirmed by Professor Domagk. Both researchers, however, made a crucial mistake. They failed to see that it makes a considerable difference whether modified or unmodified oxygen enters the blood. Modified oxygen is formed when it is filtered by the lungs. Only then can it be taken up by fructigenic ethericities via the bloodstream, which on their part have been purified by the filters of the intestines.

If this process of purification is in any way disturbed, then an oxygen deficiency results, leading to suffocation and putrefaction of the unfertilized ethericities of protein. This is the answer to the riddle. This is where a yawning gap in scientific knowledge lies and without its closure cancer cannot be cured. Nature precludes the use of one and the same form of energy for different purposes.

Hence the report continues; “Those afflicted by cancer and whose lives are threatened by this terrible disease will read of Warburg’s findings with resignation. Moreover, they will demand to know why the oxygen deficiency has not been prevented. According to Warburg, in this way the incidence of cancer could be reduced too fraction of its present state if the cells of the body could be protected from chronic damage. How this was supposed to happen, however, he was unable to say.”

Dr. Liebmann, director of the Biological Research Institute in Munich, held that this involved the disturbance of the biological equilibrium. He overlooked the fact, however, that a state of equilibrium would necessarily imply a developmental standstill. In reality, it is a question of the disturbance of animating rhythm. There is no such thing as a rigid conformity with natural law, but only a constantly self-changing interaction triggered off by constant fluctuations of temperature. If these are regulated so as to ensure that a predominance of recreative (refreshing) influences of temperature is maintained, then the enormous problem of more and more people and less and less food will be solved. There are two fundamentally different types of motion, both in principle and nature, which respectively initiate different kinds of excitation in bipolar mixtures of basic elements. In this connection, water, the physically first born and the very blood of the Earth, plays the role of the mediator in both natural and unnatural energetic synthesis. At the same time it is also the recorder of changes in potential that have already occurred. From this it can be determined what form of energy prevails in this natural accumulator. The decisive factor here is that contemporary technology is only aware of and only uses those methods of conveying or moving various media which initiate a reactive increase in pressure and heat. These methods will here be termed ‘techno-academic’, because they are taught in all academies, universities, high schools and technical colleges. Albert Einstein used them to create a form of energy destructive of all Creation. With this, modern technology has achieved a the peak of performance in self-annihilation and turned itself into an absurdity.

From transmissions from ancient times, it is quite clear that those peoples of Indo-Germanic origin or Aryan culture favored a different form of mass-motion. They over-stimulated it, however, and disrupted the unstable state of equilibrium in the other direction. This resulted in whole sections of the Earth being torn upwards (the cataclysm of Atlantis). They strayed from the golden middle way. Existence or non-existence is dependent on the rhythmical dynamics of bipolar forces. We can see this in the alternation of night and day which serves the constant improvement and perfection of the processes of reproduction and higher evolution.

Formative forms of motion are hallmarked by the development of an atomic negative pressure. Professor Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch, a surgeon, discovered it in 1908. He realized that without the existence of negative pressure between the lung surfaces and the pleura, any inhalation and exhalation of diffuse (purified and exalted) precipitates of solar energy (chemically termed oxygen) would be impossible. In other words, there would be no re-spire-ation (fertilizing) of digested, nutritive ethericities, which in exalted form enter the hermetically sealed blood or sap by way of diffusion. Unfortunately Professor Sauerbruch failed to see that this force, which internally bonds (emulsifies) the ethericities of fructigenic and seminal matter, is the diamagnetism discovered by Michael Faraday in 1845. Diamagnetism is also known as healing magnetism, animal magnetism or mesmerism an ism that science views with disfavor. It manifests itself in a similar fashion to the pressural atomic forces that move a dowsing rod. Like the previously mentioned magnetism, this later force can neither be measured nor weighed exactly and is hence rejected by science.

There are some forms of energy that are known to alter the values indicated by measuring instruments and on occasion actually to contradict them. Thus it would appear, for example, that the speed of light is constant and therefore invariable. The same also holds true for the so called acceleration of free fall, because there is no measuring device that can differentiate between specific and absolute weight. In terms of physical mass, the former is to be construed as breathing (animated), whereas the latter is to be understood as less-breathing, the almost-lifeless. Before Galileo arrived on the scene with his discoveries, the theories of Aristotle held sway and it was believed that providing there were no disturbing influences, heavier bodies fell faster than lighter ones That this was actually related to the different fall-velocities of bodies having either specific or absolute weights was completely disregarded. These constantly vary according to state of their intrinsic qualities. If sufficient qualigen is concentrated in water, for example, then gravity can be partially overcome. Speculative thinkers will be unable to understand this, however, unless they observe Nature’s instructive examples very closely.”

Schauberger stresses the importance of close observation of Nature. It is his experiences in Nature while deep in contemplative trance that he learned the mysteries of Levitation by watching the salmon leap up waterfalls. Like Goethe before him, from the inner worlds of perception he brought forth ideas that can be scientifically investigated.

His inner perceptions of motion were drawn from countless hours of observing the flow of natural water. Able to recognize forces such as Diamagnetism in nature within his own inner perceptions Schauberger has been able to move forward in spite of the difficulties faced with trying to measure these borderland energies. This point cannot be overemphasized in this journal. It is the ability to perceive ideas and unfold them that is the primary skill and tool of the Borderland Scientist. Most tools, instruments and math of the science lab will do us no good.

Further evidence of Schauberger’s influence from Goethe and the Western Mystery School is the unique explanation for the destruction of Atlantis. Like all great thinkers Schauberger extends the tradition, by a brilliant use of mystic history. The insight into the misuse of the very forces he is promoting is the kind of balanced insight that his training in the mysteries has brought out. The dangers of unbalanced duality are a key element in the education of the Mystery Schools.

“It must be stated at the outset that in this case the decisive but previously overlooked concentration of qualigen in only possible with the aid of radial axial motion. Every medium becomes heavier if it is unable to breath and its life removed. His occurs immediately if excessive influences of heat and pressure are brought to bear by the opposite form of motion. In this case the diamagnetic, or adsuctional force (namely Professor Warburg’s life-energy) and otherwise known as levitational force by people of ancient cultures, is lost.

If the importance of the formative, synthesizing and levitating force, produced by centripetal motion only, had been recognized for what it is, then the tragic error made by Newton and Leibniz would have been avoided. They believed that life could be comprehended with great precision through the methodology of mathematics (integral and differential calculus). It is this erroneous reasoning that the whole world has to thank for that evil that Albert Einstein foisted upon us through the exploitation of an all destroying atomic energy.

A simple experiment demonstrates the a predominantly axially-radially moved (and therefore de-animated) water begins to breath again and to rise upwards autonomously, when certain preconditions it is simply made to move planetarily. All forms of growth and more highly-evolved forms of life draw in diffuse (purified and exalted) oxygen. When unpurified oxygen is impressed from without, disorder and cancer come into being, because cancer is an entity that has been expelled from a state of order.

If pure, nitrogen-free oxygen is forced into the lungs of a child over too long a period, then it goes blind. Adults are threatened with an incurable lung inflammation. At high altitudes the more thoroughly the Sun in-presses the body with unpurified energies, the sooner the blood and sap begin to decompose. The same also applies in forestry, when for the sake of greater quantity and rapidity of rotation, shade-demanding trees, which have far too thin a layer of protective bark, are exposed to direct sunlight, producing unhealthy, ‘light-induced’ growth. This also happens if forests are excessively thinned. However, if a forest floor that has lain for centuries in protective shade, is warmed above +9C by excessive clear-felling and thinning, then reafforestation is only possible with deep-rooted, light demanding species. Such reafforestation is fraught with enormous problems. The young plants have first to grow under the scalding light of the sun until they are large enough to provide the ground with new protective shade. Wholesale karst development (erosion) can only be prevented where the slope is not too steep and the solar radiation is not excessive.

Almost all monocultivated, plantation forests originate from this ignorance. They can therefore quite properly be described as cancer-prone. They lack diamagnetic, adsuctional and insuctional force and can no longer produce fertile seeds. As in the case with the remaining, once cleared, old-growth forests, they too can be considered lost if the present methods of forestry are not drastically and quickly altered. Today’s fertile soils and whatever water still remains are already over-acidified and polluted to such a degree that there can be no recovery without radical remedial measures.

In Nature everything is reversible. The last hope for restoring the natural order of things lies in the mechanical production of diamagnetism which comes about in the opposite way to the present generation of electricity. The idea of generating life giving energy mechanically and restoring water’s life-force and ability to breathe may sound fantastic. Yet, the behavior of water itself shows us how this comes about, as it sinks lifelessly back into the womb of the Earth only to rise upwards again as noble water in mountain springs. The reason this has been impossible to copy this natural process so far is simply because the enabling form of motion was unknown. People mistakenly believe the earth’s rotation to be circular. With circular motion, however, no negative pressure or drop in temperature can be achieved. Since the present way of looking at things is founded on a false world-view, humanity has set foot on the road of an unstoppable, regressive proliferation of cancer. As long as the meditative substances water and air continue to be moved incorrectly with the exclusive use of centrifugence any production of qualigen or increase and improvement of water and growth will be impossible. Qualigen can only be produced with cold systems of flow, in which the more thoroughly atomized the substances (sediments) contained in the water become, the more powerful the life-energies.”

“Here it should be again stressed that if the media of earth, air and water are moved centrifugally, then reactive, decentrating forces evolve from the resultant unnatural intermixture of bipolar concentrates. These also develop if any medium is over-illuminated and/or over warmed by unpurified (unfiltered) solar radiation. It can therefore be stated that in this case the pressure and heat associated with it increase by the square of the speed of motion. In both cases, however, the resistance to motion also increases that is a retroactive force evolves which, viewed ecologically, represents a decomposive energy or its other form, cancer. In this instance matter is rendered lifeless. Oxidizing processes follow, and since the levitative forces have been reduced, matter becomes specifically heavier. Red-hot iron, for example, is heavier than cold iron. Einstein was right in his deduction that mass the concentrate of basic elements was dependent on velocity. However, it is the type of motion that determines whether decentrating or concentrating forces arise. In the first case pressure and heat are produced and it the second, a negative pressure (vacuum), which intensifies by the square of the centripetally-in-winding orbital velocity.”

Introducing a new Alchemical Technology, or Ecotechnology, Schauberger explains how the basics of radial axial motion will produce qualigens, quality-enhancing life forces. Ecotechnology is based on movement, centripetal forces, adsuctional or insuctional. The type of motion determines whether decentrating or concentrating forces arise. Ecotechnology makes use of the same forces of nature that Alchemy described in its hidden terms. Still requiring a terminology of its own Ecotechnology shows how the Sun interacts with the elements of water and air, shows how the damage done by fire can only be cured by the forces of water. Ecotechnology glimpses the purification process in nature and also the exact processes of decay. Through an understanding of these processes, we see the possibility of restoring the decay and damage done to the earth by pollution with life-giving energy mechanically generated.

“In this way it is therefore possible to transform ordinary air at room temperature into chemically pure water in a fraction of a second. This is associated with a 1,700-fold decrease in volume, through which an atomic negative pressure evolves, whose attractive force is stronger than any explosive pressure. The precipitation of rainwater described above therefore explains the production of rain in any quantity without the formation of thunderstorms. Such water can be converted into the noblest mountain spring water, provided it is moved planetarily for a short period, as happens in the womb of Mother Earth.”

Ecotechnology that transforms air into water is the natural extension and evolution of the Alchemical tradition into our modern times. By adhering to the principles of Hermes Trismegistus and the Emerald Tablet (As Above, So Below) Ecotechnology simulates the geometry and motions of Earth. It is through these cold systems of flow that the damage done to the earth by over heating from unpurified solar energy can be balanced and healed. In the Hermetic Tradition of Alchemy, in the process of emanation Fire and Water combined to make Air. With Ecotechnology this is recognized and the balance between Fire and Water is engineered with radial axial movement of Air that produces diamagnetism or healing forces and creates qualigens.

“The technologist of to say has been taught to think logically, but not bio-ecologically. Therefore it is particularly difficult for him to appreciate the possibilities that ecotechnology offers towards the re-establishment of the proper and natural order of things, which has been disturbed at its most fundamental level. The time has come to free humanity from its dependence on coal and oil by creating those differences in potential that can be converted into kinetic energy. Since coal and oil will be exhausted in the foreseeable future, nuclear fission will be all that remains to banish the specter of energy shortages. This is the greatest delusion of all, however, because the radiation and waste accruing from the atomic energy will gradually contaminate the air we breath to such an extant that the mere inhaling of it will be lethal. Humanity therefore stands at an historical crossroad but in all probability it will continue to develop its present technology and dig its own grave. Then one day, thousands of years hence, the perhaps few remaining survivors will speak of the technical stupidity of their forebearers and shake their heads over the artifacts of a godforsaken science in whose programmed destruction took first place. Science can still be dethroned, however, through reversal of present principles. Instead of air pollution, ecotechnical air purification. Instead of the collapse of quality, the rise of quality. Founded as it is on rigid and dogmatic laws, contemporary science must therefore be prohibited by the fastest means possible.”

Translation by Callum Coats, Ecotechnology.

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Aqualithia Tue, 04 May 1999 07:00:30 +0000 ]]>

Article by Haroldine

AQUALITHIA is a natural mineral water. It was named from the Greek word “lithos” (Stone), meaning water of stones or minerals. It is a diamagnetic, negatively charged high grade tellurian water. When it was biomagnetically analyzed the only whole element that was found present was neon. The lithium content was less than minimal, the conclusion — because of its unusual properties and vast applications — was the total combination of the contained minerals was what made it different from other waters.

Exactly where this water originated, no one can be totally sure because of the massive canyons and caverns lining the interior of our planet which sometimes act as giant reservoirs of primal water before the water eventually ebbs to the surface. One of the greatest problems in most types of mining is the vast amounts of water from the interior of the earth flooding to the surface as the miners dig deeper & deeper. This natural mineral water flowed heavily upward when the miners seeking the precious gemstone tourmaline, dug downward to levels of 800-1000 ft inside a pegmatite dike of a lithium mine in 1980. Subsequent water specimens test gathered at the same source at the lithium mine over a period of three years did not analyze out with the same percentage of specific minerals as the original called AQUALITHIA. Neither did it contain the same property of a single drop of AQUALITHIA, which when added to one gallon of distilled water, would reconstitute the new gallon to contain equal energy potency as the original.

A teacher at the Dowsing School at the Dansville VT Dowsing hdqts. while checking out a specimen of AQUALITHIA in Sept ’86 proclaimed it was the 4th most solvent (4th wettest) water on this planet at the present time. Recently more & more articles are appearing that mention colloidal chemistry. That is the suspension of electrolytes/trace minerals or elements/minerals/crystals that are energy charged or active in a solution that maintains the life force dynamic flow and circulation within a liquid. AQUALITHIA qualifies as a very special high energy colloidal or catalyst altered type water with the additional blessing that its made by Mother Nature and its natural!!!

The following list contains some of the catalyst altered waters being researched. All seem to contain ability to bring more beneficial type oxygen to the body systems:

ProcessH2OAngstrom measurement
Man-madeCrystal Energy Concentrate178,000
NatureHoly H2O–Lourdes France156,000
ClayScott mineral H2O or Iron H20135,000
Man-madeWillard water165,000

Over a time period, the top 1/10 of most liquids (most foods contain high liquid content) become South-polar energy charged. The S-polar energy encourages the growth of bacteria, mold and slime which gradually breaks down the nutrients to a condition often called stagnation. The surface tension becomes so charged, eventually the product or food is no longer fit for use or for human consumption.

One of the applications of AQUALITHIA (reconstituted spray mist) is that it is able to prolong shelf-life of many foods in the refrigerator by delaying breakdown and decay. A gentleman farmer and radionic researcher has reported that AQUALITHIA neutralizes the poisonous dioxins in the soil. Another researcher working with commercial farms found AQUALITHIA to be specific for the restoration of the natural energies of the soil while additionally acting as a natural chelator. It is also reported to have the ability to remove the residues of pesticides or insecticides in the commercial grain and hay feed sold to the ranchers and dairy farmers for their livestock.

A mist of AQUALITHIA sprayed over the top of the head acts like a fine tooth comb in removing pos-ions collection from the human aura – one then feels refreshed as if they had just stepped out of the morning shower. For those sometimes having problems going to sleep at night, the mist sprayed on the bottom of bare clean feet greatly eases the ascent into sleepland. AQUALITHIA acts as a food & vitalizer for house plants by spraying once a week, in addition to the regular watering and plant care. Immediately spray on bumps or bruises after injury, AQUALITHIA seems to remove pain memory programming to cells along with removing pain almost instantly, seldom will a black & blue mark or bruise be noticeable the next day. In case of burn or severe sunburn, the spray mist on clean body skin instantly removes pain and at the same time in case of sunburn seems to aid tanning. (If utilized both before and after sunning AQUALITHIA appears to enhance skin & tanning even more.) Some use AQUALITHIA for setting their hair curls and as a skin freshener before applying makeup.

I do not recommend AQUALITHIA for internal use, though many researchers do use it that way & report beneficial results. A radionic Doctor in Canada uses 1 drop in an 8 oz. glass of regular water — waits five minutes and drinks. He feels it causes his body to act like a sponge to absorb more balancing/healing rays of the sun.

Original AQUALITHIA is available for research from Borderland Sciences Research Foundation. A half ounce of AQUALITHIA can be reconstituted into 240 gallons at a cost of less than $0.10 per gallon, making it the least expensive of available catalyst waters, instructions are included. 1/2 oz of AQUALITHIA mineral water is $45.00+S/H. Californians add state sales tax. No discounts available on AQUALITHIA. AQUALITHIA is a trademark of Lithium Labs Ltd.

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Living Water in America Wed, 30 Oct 1996 07:00:53 +0000 ]]>

Article by Dr. Joseph Lancaster — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 52, No. 04, 4th Quarter 1996)

On a cold winter evening several years ago, a knock on my Country door in the foothills outside of Santa Fe began an adventure I truly believe will never end. The knocking hand belonged to a lost traveler. After spending considerable time trying to unravel the mysteries causing the separation of the traveler from her appointed destination, all was revealed and she happily found her way. Interestingly enough, the next night produced a return visit from the again lost traveler, who this time was rapidly dispatched to the correct location.

Several nights later the traveler appeared again at my door, this time to share some information as a “gift” for my patience and aid earlier in the week. She produced a small cylindrical object of respectable weight, and announced its purpose was to normalize and re-energize water. Although mildly amused, having researched numerous technologies over twenty-five years that never lived up to their claims, my still naturally curious mind opened to challenge. As I held the object in my hand, the enviable weight steered my senses to another level of activity within. My blood began to race, my respiration increased, a heat began to rise in my system that was always an indication that I was face to face with something important. I poured some of my tap water (from a pure source 350 deep well) through the unit and drank it. It was indeed different_cleaner, wetter, stronger. I took samples of straight tap water, “altered” tap water, bottled drinking water, “altered” bottled drinking water, distilled water, and “altered” distilled water, randomly coded them, and presented them to my then partner, one of the world’s finest medical dowsers. The results were definitive. The “altered” samples of water were dramatically higher in vitality. The highest readings were from the “altered” well water, followed by the bottled water, and thirdly the distilled water. My curiosity was soundly aroused. After some discussion about the origin of this technology, called “Grander Living Water”, my visitor gave me a contact number in Reno, Nevada, and left.

Early the next morning I made contact with the U.S. distribution center for the Grander products (now defunct). I asked them to send me everything they had on the technology, and a list of everyone in North America dealing with the products. I ordered a 3/4″ household unit, and signed a contract to be a major distributor in the U.S.

I became consumed with the search for information and experiences with the Grander units, and compiled several coiled books, one on the philosophy and explanation of the technology, and another on testimonials_personal and commercial. Although excessively time-consuming, this project was essential, for there was no real information to be had from the manufacturer or the distribution center. A call to the manufacturer in Austria produced the reply in halting English: “You will have to find out for yourself what it can do.” That enterprise is ongoing and gathering steam at this writing, considerably aided by a European best seller book, On the Track of Water’s Secrets, which has an initial few chapters on Viktor Schauberger and the rest on the work of Johann Grander.

What then is the story on this “Living Water” technology, and what are its implications for our environment? Much of the story is available in the afore-mentioned book, On the Track of Water’s Secrets, as well as in a booklet produced by the Austrian manufacturer, entitled UVO: Living Water by the Grander Technology (UVO being the European marketing agent for the Grander products). However, for our present readers, a brief outline is of value.

It has long been known to students of nature that water is more than the approximate 2/3 of our human makeup, the 90% of some animals and plants, and the 70% of the earth itself. It is the mediator between the etheric and physical worlds. It is a tremendous communicator. It picks up information through vibration from everything it comes in contact with. It is further supplied with information from our solar system. When “healthy”, water has the capacity to self-cleanse, to supply energy for living things, and to assist in removing waste products, even from the cellular level. Our more observant physicians over the centuries have advocated the use of water as one of our greatest healers. Readers may be acquainted with the recent work of Dr. Batmanghelidj, the Iranian physician who has developed a medical practice based on the curative powers of water.

What has happened to this wonderful life-affirming element that Lao-tsu in the 6th Century B.C. called “the emblem of supreme virtue”? Simply put, we have desecrated it. We have forced it out of the ground before it is “ripe”. We have confined it under pressure through miles of pipe. We have exposed it to staggering environmental pollution, and then added grand quantities of harmful substances to it to “clean it up” for human consumption again. Those who follow the purification of water past its surface theoretics know that the unfortunate truth is that although we may achieve chemically “pure” water, the vibrational frequencies of the contaminants and discordant activities that the water has been put through YET REMAIN IN THE WATER and negatively influence all living functions! It was to this very problem that the Austrian naturalist and inventor, Johann Grander, turned his attention over a decade ago. It is his honor to have found a way to “restore the information water needs to reconstruct all the energy it has lost”, to replace the accumulated negative vibrations with a higher, life-affirming vibration. This he has done through the implementation of Implosion technology. The “energized” fluid that he put in his water units, (as well as in his pendants for wearing, penergizers for stirring fluids, and his rods for wells, manure lagoons, ponds and lakes), transmits vibrational information (not energy itself) to the water around it. The implications and applications are profound. The Living Water units have not diminished in effectiveness over the past ten years. They are used throughout Europe and more recently in the U.S. and Canada. They are used in residential, commercial, agricultural, and natural settings with intriguing results.

My own passionate interest is in the revitalization of lakes and ponds. This past July I had the opportunity to experiment with a 1-2 acre pond in northern Indiana. The fish had all died (despite restocking). The pH was 10.8. The pond was filled with 3 main types of algae, which had suffocated it. The pond had been subjected to years of agricultural run-off, and sediment had accumulated to the depth of 3 feet or more. It was my estimation after installing the rods and a commercial-sized unit through which we pumped the pond water 24 hours/day, that it would take a month or so to see any improvement. And yet, within hours of beginning the project, we began to see results. Great swirls of white foam began to form in the center of the pond. Testing indicated that the pH was already dropping. Five days later I received a call notifying me that the pond was clear to the bottom! The pH was 7.6, the algae had disintegrated and was all gone except for a small ring around the edge of the pond, and people were swimming in it! I have since seen other similar responses with Grander Living Water technology, and am at present negotiating with several municipalities throughout the U.S. to conduct formal research scenarios in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources. The sky is the limit in the potential of this technology, and the application is just in its infancy.

Perhaps further articles might speak more about the profound effect these units have on household and commercial water use. Until then, let me say that out of the myriad of water “treatment” approaches being investigated, I have found the Grander technology to be the most profound to date. The fact that every gallon of “revitalized” water helps to turn over at least 10 gallons of distorted water it comes into contact with, has encouraging implications for our environment.

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An Apparatus for Detecting Emanations from Planets Thu, 01 Nov 1990 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Article by Buryl Payne — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 46, No. 6, Nov. – Dec. 1990)

A simple apparatus has been discovered which can be used to detect direct emanations from the visible planets, Sun and Moon. The apparatus is shown in Figure 1 mounted on a six-inch reflecting telescope. It is simply a five inch diameter, six foot long stove pipe with an automotive funnel at the end. The funnel, available at Sears automotive stores, has a flexible metal tube. A clock drive keeps the device focused on the object of interest. The detecting substance is a small amount of water in a glass bottle attached to the end of the flexible tube.

The present means of detection is taste.


The basic idea for this device came from the study of the work of Wilhelm Reich’s writings on Orgone energy and cloud-busters. What Reich called Orgone energy strongly interacted with water. His cloud-busters were long metal tubes pointed at clouds and attached by hollow flexible BX cables to running water. Reich claimed that the water had to be running in order to move the Orgone energy. According to Reich this apparatus altered the Orgone energy of the local atmosphere and could produce rain, as he demonstrated on several occasions.

In seeking a way to validate the notions of astrology, the author formulated the hypothesis that planets could be giving off emanations of some sort which Reich’s cloud-buster could detect. The author thought that perhaps Reich’s cloud-busters were actually picking up emanations from planets or celestial objects and not from clouds as he believed. Instead of allowing the energy or whatever to dissipate in running water, it seemed more worthwhile to collect it, if possible, for analysis.


The first device was constructed about 1973. The stove pipe in the first device was only three feet long. A tiny hole in the funnel near the exit tube allowed the observer to focus on the planet of interest. Later the stove pipe was wrapped with a wool blanket following Reich’s work with Orgone accumulators which used layers of soft iron and wool to accumulate Orgone energy. The water was held in a small metal, glass, or plastic bottle attached by a couple of strips of velcro to the end of the funnel. This initial apparatus called “The Moon Gun” by my friends, had to be moved every few minutes to keep the planet within focus.

Another version of the “Moon Gun” consisted of 4 iron pipes, two inches in diameter and eight feet long and connected together by a stainless steel bowl with a short piece of flexible metal conduit to guide the planetary emanations into the sample water bottle. This device was quite heavy, but could be moved in two directions by a swivel and frame arrangement. Rather bizarre looking, as it sat in the front lawn for several years, it seemed to be successful at keeping intruders off the property – a sort of scientific scarecrow.

Yet another version of the “Moon Gun” was made by arranging 60 feet of 3/4 inch diameter copper pipe into a spiral helix. The wide end of the spiral was about 6 feet in diameter and the length of the helix was about 9 feet. The pipe was simply bent straight back at the apex and a pan of water was placed in contact with the pipe. This version was immovable. It was tied between a tree and a telephone pole on the garage roof with the open end pointed at the plane of the ecliptic. It was rather inconvenient to use as it required getting up at the hour of the night when the planet of interest was within the focus of the spiral. It was viewed with some suspicion by neighbors and telephone officials but no dire consequences occurred.

Buryl Payne's Moon Gun


All the devices worked. Effects, as indicated by changes in taste were noticed after about twenty minutes exposure. Drinking the water produced psycho-physiological effects within 10 to 20 minutes.

However taste changes or effects were not invariably present: sometimes they were very noticeable, and at other times they were barely observable or non-existent. Many different tests were made over a period of more than ten years. Observations so far should be considered more like a pilot study however they are reported here so that someone with more time or facilities might build on them. It was hoped that some way to increase the effect might be discovered, which would enable a more systematic analysis to be undertaken, and chemical tests of the water to be made. So far this hasn’t happened, but perhaps some reader will hit upon an improvement in the design which would make the effects much stronger.

The data is organized into observations made on the Sun, Moon, and some of the planets. The data reported below was taken from my note books made over more than ten years time from three different locations in Massachusetts – Framingham, Boston, and Manomet.


Nov. 1, 1974, 12 noon. Just completed the 4-barrelled version. Directed it at the Sun for 20 minutes and both myself and my friend, who helped build the instrument, drank the water. Within 15 minutes we both felt like taking a nap, and fell asleep on cushions on the living room floor. Although we had been up late working on it, it is rare for me to take naps.

Summer, 1975. Gave water, which had been exposed to the Sun, to my son, aged 6, who had measles and was supposed to be quiet and in bed and would not do so. He quickly fell asleep and slept all afternoon.

Fall, 1975. Exposed water to Sun for 20 minutes and gave it to a friend with no explanation or mention of its source. She drank it and fell asleep for two hours.

Jan. 18, 1976. Tap water samples exposed in device to Sun radiation appeared cloudy after 20 minutes exposure. This water, like most water used in the experiments, was in a glass bottle.

March, 1978. Pointed short tube and 4-barrelled device at the Sun. It was the day of the full moon and there was a lunar eclipse. The water tasted terrible. Five observers were present and all agreed that the water had a strong, unpleasant taste. The water produced a temporary feeling of nausea when drunk. When one observer commented that the water tasted like burnt rubber, everyone, including me, emphatically agreed. The taste was very strong. No rubber like material was anywhere near or in the device.

People were generally upset at the time of this eclipse. Almost everyone I had contact with on this day felt mildly ill, irritable, or ‘out of sorts’.

Many water samples were exposed. It was found that a metal cover over the front of the tube stopped the effect. However a control bottle of water left sitting in the driveway showed the same taste difference although to a lesser degree. An ordinary metal funnel, propped up in the shade with its stern in a bottle of water produced some mild taste of ‘burnt rubber’. Placing a cork at the end of the funnel stem stopped the taste effect. Simply leaving a bottle of water sitting for an hour in the kitchen showed a mild taste, but putting a bottle in the refrigerator completely eliminated any taste difference. This was an unusual and, for many, a difficult day. Probably all water everywhere was altered around the time of this lunar eclipse.

Prior to 1980, observations were made with either the 4-barrelled device or the short cloud-buster device. After that year the longer tube mounted on a telescope support was used (Figure 1).

Jan. 26, 1980. Directed the apparatus (Figure 1) at the Sun which was just rising. A strong taste was noticeable in the Water. (It’s very difficult to describe these tastes in any meaningful way. About the most that I can record is their strength.) No effects were noticed from drinking the water.

As a control, left a sample bottle of water open at the top, in the shade. No taste was noticeable after 30 minutes.

Then directed the apparatus at the Sun, now much higher in the sky, and observed a strong, but different taste in the water.

As another type of control I pointed the instrument at the pine trees and left it for one hour. The water tasted like pine trees! I was so amazed by this that at first I thought it was my imagination. However it was a very clear and strong taste. (A pine tree taste was not observed on another occasion.)

Left the device pointed at the sky above the horizon where the Sun had risen earlier. The clock drive was not engaged. After several hours exposure the water had a strong and peculiar taste.

Following this I pointed the device at the wall of the house and left it for over an hour. There was a slight taste in the water.

Then I moved the apparatus to where I judged Venus should be, knowing from the table how far it was from the Sun. A strong taste was noticeable.

All tastes today were strong and different from each other.

Sunday, Jan. 27, 1980. Pointed the apparatus at the Sun which was about 10° above the horizon. A strong taste was observed.

Left apparatus pointed at the same place above the horizon although the Sun had moved on. After a 35 minute exposure only a slight taste (similar in quality to the previous taste effect) was noticeable.

Left apparatus pointed at the same place (10° above the horizon) for two hours. A mild taste was present in the water. No noticeable effects were observed from drinking the water.

Possibly the strong tastes observed on the previous day were related to more solar and geomagnetic activity. From the solar geophysical data records published by NOAA I found: “[solar] Region 2245 produced a class X2 X-ray burst on 27 January with maximum at 11:52 Universal Time.” Sunspot number went from 103 on Jan. 25th to 153 on Jan. 26th and 160 on Jan. 27th.

March 1, 1980. There was a lunar eclipse at 4 pm. Pointed the gun at the Sun at sunrise. The taste was described as “thick” by an observer. No psycho-physiological effects noticed. At 12:30 noon repeated the observation. A strong taste was again apparent.

At 2:30 pm repeated the test. Meanwhile the sky had become hazy, and the tube had drifted slightly off focus. No noticeable taste and no effect on me.

August 9, 1980. At 3 pm aimed smaller device at the Sun. It was one day before a solar eclipse. No apparent taste was noticed, but afterwards I was so sleepy I couldn’t concentrate on my work, although I forced myself to stay awake. It was one of the hottest days of summer. Finally at 6:30 I did take a nap.

August 10, 1980, 11 am. Sun water (from the apparatus) produced a slight taste – not pleasant – and no
effects noticed from drinking it. The daily Sunspot number went from 139, (on August 7) to 142, 154, and reached a minor peak of 169 on August 10.

February 18, 1981. Set up both short and long tube devices to point at the Sun. (It was near the time of the full moon.) A 30 minute exposure produced a strong acrid taste. My stomach felt slightly upset about 15 minutes later.

I pointed one apparatus at the sky, the other one at rock steps as a control. I expected no taste if it was the Sun which was radiating something into the tube, but after a 25 minute exposure strong but different tastes were noticeable from the water from both devices. As a second control I stuffed towels in the end of both tubes and left them for one hour. Both water samples still tasted different from a control bottle of water left sitting on a nearby rock.

From the NOAA reports I found that Sunspot number was on the increase this day; the geomagnetic activity was low and the 2800 mHz (10.7 cm) radiation from the Sun was at a relative peak. (See observations following under “Moon” on this same date – Feb. 18, 1981.)

September 10, 1981. Aimed big apparatus at the Sun. It was nearing the time of the full moon. I noticed a slight taste difference in the water, but two observers did not notice any difference between a control water sample which had been sitting nearby and the test samples which were from the apparatus. Repeated the test observations three times with no positive results.


Full Moon, Feb. 14, 1976. Concentrated emanations in sample bottle of water using smallest apparatus. It tasted like tap water which it was. After a few minutes I felt slightly nauseous. Did not notice any psycho-physiological effects.

Many full Moon observations were made in the early years which generally gave the same effects – a slight feeling of nausea after drinking the water. Sometimes a taste change was evident and sometimes not.

March 1, 1980. Full Moon eclipse and Moon conjunct Mars and Jupiter. The water had a noticeable taste, and no psycho-physiological effects.

December 21, 1980. Water exposed to the full Moon this evening had no apparent taste, but I felt buoyant afterwards even though I had been driving into the city with traffic hassles all day. Sitting by the fire, I was feeling cheerful and optimistic. Since usually after a day of city traffic I would feel tired, this was unusual.

February 18, 1981. A very bright and not unpleasant full moon for most people. At 7 pm I exposed the water in the collector bottle to the Moon’s emanations for 20 minutes, then drank it. No discernible taste. I felt slightly tipsy, spaced, and was scared of my friend’s driving as we left in the car. I felt I needed to hold on, hold together – never had this experience before.

April 13, 1981. Pointed apparatus at Moon at 7 pm. Moon was not full. A definite taste was noticed; not a good taste. No noticeable effects. According to NOAA reports the geomagnetic held showed rapid fluctuations on this day.

April 18, 1981. Moon nearly full and partially obscured by clouds. Noticeable taste, but no psycho-physiological effects.

July 6, 1982. There was to be a lunar eclipse in the early morning of the next day. About 10 pm I set up the apparatus with a new funnel which had been washed in the automatic dishwasher to clear it of the film of oil present when it was purchased.

After 20 minutes exposure to the Moon, a taste difference was clearly apparent. An unpleasant taste, hard to describe or compare with common tastes. I repeated the water exposure to the Moon several times. Two observers present also confirmed a clear taste difference. Around 11 pm I drank the water from the last test period and went to prepare for bed. My wife said: “Your energy is funny – You’re kind of intrusive.”

I did feel slightly energetic and bumbly – kind of scattered and irritable.

At 2:15 am I arose to make observations at the time of the eclipse. The Moon was about 2/3 covered when I went outside. The apparatus had been tracking the Moon all night with water in the sample bottle for about three hours. It had a much stronger taste than it had earlier in the evening and of the same quality – not a pleasant taste. I drank the entire bottle, then I filled it again and drank it after twelve minutes exposure to the full Moon which was now totally eclipsed. No obvious psycho-physiological effects noticed. I stayed up the rest of the night, making several tests. The water continued to have a strong taste at every test made until dawn.


June 17, 1980. There was a New Moon conjunct Neptune, square Saturn. At Noon a sample of water was exposed to the Sun for about 35 minutes. I drank the water which tasted acrid and bitter and went inside to type. About 12 minutes later I became irritable. Hearing some terrible singer on the radio I swore, screamed and angrily shut the radio off, then drove away in my car. As I was driving I was fantasizing punching some guy who had slightly irritated me about something. About four miles up the road I psychologically woke up! I realized what had happened. I had drunk that water! When I had that realization the anger left me and I completed my errand and planned to repeat the experiment.

At 4 pm I repeated the experiment. The water did not taste as strong as previously. I made a mental resolution to go down to the beach and throw rocks if I felt irritable. I went to my lab to work. Again, in about 15 minutes I became very irritable, completely forgetting my drinking the water and my resolve to throw rocks. Again the radio was on and I found a commercial so irritating I swore at the radio and angrily turned it off. Then I remembered the experiment, the water, and my resolve to go throw rocks.

It was amazing, upon recollection, to notice how the mood change took me over, subtly and unawares. I just seemed to drift from a normal pleasant mood to one of great irritability without the slightest awareness. This was the strongest psychological effect I ever obtained from the water samples exposed in my devices.

A control sample made by pointing the instrument at the sky had no taste or effect on me. Later I did recall that a radio astrologer had stated that this would be an angry new moon.

June 17, (year not noted). Moon two days old in Leo near a bright star, and 5° from Jupiter. Strong taste was observed from both smaller and larger apparatus. Noticed a continuously rising galvanic skin response from biofeedback equipment although I attempted to relax. No subjective feelings.

October 6, 1984, 9 am. Pointed instrument at Sun-Moon as it was a new moon. Drank the water after 45 minutes exposure. After about 15 minutes I felt peculiar – kind of woozy and unfocused, as if I’d had three glasses of wine. After about 15 minutes this feeling dissipated.

Refilled the sample bottle and after 40 minutes exposure, gave the water to a visitor. She felt “high” in about 10 minutes and the effect disappeared when she swam in the cold ocean water ten minutes later.


After the Sun and Moon, Venus was the most predominate planet to study. Effects were noticed in the first years, although no specific notes were made. On several occasions the water tasted metallic I sometimes felt a little giddy, as if I’d had a glass of wine.

One time the exposed water was given to a female friend. She too, experienced some giddiness, and a metallic taste. To test whether or not suggestion could be operating, the following night Venus was again bright and I set up the apparatus, and a few minutes later brought the sample of water to her, exclaiming how brilliant Venus was; that the effect should be very strong and wonderful this nite, etc. Then I let her drink the water, which was plain tap water, and left the room. Returning 30 minutes later I asked her what happened. She said she didn’t notice anything. “Sorry to disappoint you, Buryl, but I didn’t feel anything.”

Some specific comments from my note-books follow:

Jan 12, (year not noted), 5:40 pm. Venus was the highest and brightest for the six month period. There was a slight taste and after drinking the water I felt kind of excited and zippy.

Jan 26, 1980, 6 pm. Pointed the instrument at Venus. The water had a strong taste. (On this date all tests made showed effects – sunspots were on the increase.)

March 19, 1980. Moon was conjunct Venus. No taste in sample water.

August 13, 1980. Arose at 4 am to make a test. Venus was very bright. The water tasted terrible. I went back to sleep and had a sexy dream – a rare event for me.

October 5, 1980, 6 am. Moon was conjunct Venus. It was foggy. There was a noticeable taste difference, but no psycho-physiological effect. I may have pointed the tube incorrectly since I later noticed the telescope used to sight on the planet was slightly out of line with the tube.

November 26, 1984. Moon conjunct both Venus and Jupiter; a lovely sight. I exposed the water for about 20 minutes. Noticed a metallic taste, and about 15 minutes later I felt sad. Just listening to the news on the radio triggered some crying. I had felt kind of quiet and low all day.

November 29, 1986, 5:30 am. Moon conjunct Venus which was very bright at half phase low in the Eastern sky. The Moon was about 4° underneath Venus and 1° South. Made an exposure for 20 minutes. There appeared to be a slight taste just on the surface of the water sample (something I had often noticed – a surface taste only). There were no noticeable psycho-physiological effects.

The test was repeated but with the telescope focused on the Moon which was two days before new. No noticeable taste, but my heart felt sore. Could I be imagining this? Chest area around the heart was not really sore, just much feeling – a tightness. A few minutes later happened to read something which triggered crying.

I would have considered this experience to be personal and irrelevant until I happened to look at my notebook and see the similarity with the test made almost exactly two years before.


Initial observations on Jupiter, especially when Jupiter was close to Earth, produced a taste characteristically different from Venus, Sun, or Moon. On two occasions the water tasted ‘punky’ or ‘swampy’. Only two weeks after these observations Science News carried a report that sulphur had been detected in the radio emissions of Jupiter.

Sometimes the water from Jupiter tasted good and seemed to have a beneficial effect on the drinker. I noticed that a slightly upset stomach cleared up immediately after drinking Jupiter water. One time a pot had been placed for about an hour at the end of the large copper spiral device while Jupiter had been in view.

An associate came into the office about 8 pm, said she wasn’t feeling well – I gave her a glass of Jupiter water to drink without telling her what it was. About 30 minutes later she asked what was in the water. She said she felt better. If this were only one isolated incident, it could have been dismissed, but it happened several times.


In 1980 Jupiter and Saturn were within a few degrees of each other. A number of tests were made during this year and some of the observations from my notebook are recorded below:

December 20, 1980. Full Moon Evening. Returned home from a party at 2:40 am, tired and sleepy, especially after a 45 minute car ride. At 3 am I drank the water which had been exposed for 75 minutes to the combined effect of Jupiter and Saturn. No taste was apparent. I took a shower and went to bed, but could not sleep for over one hour – very restless.

December 31, 1980, 5 am. The time of closest approach of Jupiter to Saturn was at 4 pm that afternoon. There was no apparent taste to the water after exposure to emanations of Jupiter and Saturn simultaneously, but afterwards I felt frustrated. I could not definitely say the effect was due to the water which I had drunk, but I was angry, frustrated, upset, and pacing around the room. If it had not been 10° outside I would have gone for a run.

February 16, 1981. Pointed both large and small devices at Jupiter and Saturn. No noticeable effects. But it was hard to be sure of their aim.

February 17, 1981, in the evening. Water did not have any taste, but I felt charged up and eager to work. Stayed up late.

February 18, 1981. Same effect noticed. It was later in the evening when I made the test.

As these planets separated I could easily differentiate between the two with the instrument.

July 9, 1982. First set the scope on Jupiter and found water sample had a very slight taste. Then changed the water sample bottle to be sure there was no contamination, and thoroughly rinsed the end of the funnel. Then the scope was focused on Saturn.

After 20 minutes I observed a distinctly different taste – kind of bitter-metallic. This is a familiar taste observed in the water from these tests, but many controls have shown it is not coming from the metal end of the funnel. Although the tastes were different I didn’t notice any psychophysical reactions from either the Jupiter or the Saturn water on this occasion.


April 13, 1981. Aimed the apparatus at the Moon and made a 20 minutes exposure. A clearly different taste was observed compared with the control sample – not a good taste. No noticeable effect on me. Then focused the instrument on Saturn. A clearly different taste was noticed. Muscle testing showed no weakness on Saturn water, yet three observers agreed that there were taste differences between Saturn, the Moon, and the control water.


June 17, 1980, 9:30 pm. First made a test on the Moon and Jupiter which were conjunct, followed by a test on Mars. Completely different tastes were observed. No psycho-physiological effects noticeable. As a control I pointed the apparatus randomly at the stars. After a 30 minutes exposure, the water exhibited no change in taste.


Jan 12, 6:35 am. (Year not noted.) According to the ephemeris the Moon was conjunct Pluto. It was hazy and the Moon was waning; only 1/4 strong. Left water for 20 minutes. The taste was smokey, not especially a good taste. No noticeable effect, except possibly a little mental fuzziness.


May 6, 1981. Magnets were placed at the open end of the tube. The apparatus was pointed at the sky. A slight taste was observed after 20 minutes. A control test with no magnets also produced a taste, but less strong. A second control with no magnets again produced a rusty taste. Presumable this was because the funnel was rusty and needed replacing. But a rusty taste had not been noticed before.

May 7, 1981. Left the sample bottle on the apparatus overnight with the South poles of four cylindrical magnets pointing inward. The magnets held themselves in place on the soft iron stove pipe. They were about 1 inch diameter and 5 inches long – estimated field strength several thousand gauss each. A strong taste was noticeable.

Aimed the device at the foggy sky, oriented about 40° up and toward the South-east. Left it for about three hours, during which period, the sky cleared and then refogged. The water had a strong taste.

Leaving the instrument in position, I stuffed the opening with a towel. Three hours later the water tasted the same as a control bottle which had been sitting on a nearby bulkhead.

May 8, 1981. Tastes were noticeable with everything I did today. Magnets at the end of the tube or no magnets, with the tube pointed at the sky, at the Sun, at flowers, at the house. Sunspot activity was at a relative peak on May 8th.

May 17, 1981. I placed distilled water such that light from the telescope would shine in the water and placed a second sample bottle as usual at the end of the funnel. There was no noticeable taste to the water exposed to the light from the tele-scope, but there was a taste in the water from the funnel. This observation was verified by an independent observer as well.

Well water (which has iron in it at my home) produced a much stronger taste (acrid and bitter) than distilled water. Again there was no taste difference noticed in the water exposed at the end of the telescope.


Some of the facts which have emerged from this work are listed below:

  1. There is some emanation which appears to be originating from the Sun, Moon, and at least some of the planets.
  2. The emanations interact with water.
  3. The emanations have some connection with solar activity and/or geomagnetic activity.
  4. The water is affected. Sometimes it tastes different, and/or sometimes it produces psycho-physiological effects when it is drunk.
  5. The effects are different from the different planets.

Since our Sun appears to be a strong source of the emanations, presumably all stars produce similar emanations. Since we are 65% water, drink water, and breathe water vapor along with air, we are presumably being continuously affected by the emanations from the Sun, Moon, planets, and all the stars.

The observation that water exposed to the Sun in the apparatus, made people sleepy was puzzling at first, but seems to it with the common observation that after sun-bathing people become sleepy. Sleep has always been a mystery. It is a very powerful drive. Perhaps this work provides an important bit of new information.

Effects from the planets on water may follow somewhat traditional astrological notions. This does seem to offer a means for validating such notions, but of course it will take some time.

In another experiment I set two glasses of water on two coils of wire pulsed with direct current. Each glass of water was exposed to a different magnetic pole. A third glass served as a control. Taste differences were usually noticeable in the water. Tastes were similar to those observed from some of the planets, however it is difficult to verbalize or categorize tastes.

Magnetic fields have been found to alter chemical reactions. A Swedish company manufactures a magnet treating apparatus for reducing calcium deposits in boilers.

No chemical tests were made on water samples from the instruments described in this paper. It was found that this would be prohibitively expensive.

Water is not a simple substance. Besides the known forms of liquid, solid, and gas, water molecules can form complex loose structures that are not well understood. In liquid form some of the molecules ionize, some form hypermolecules, and probably many other different complex patterns. Biologists speak of “living water” or “structured water”. The dynamics of the living cells may superimpose a structure on water making it suitable for some purpose of which we are unaware. This may be a constantly changing pattern and different within different cells and tissues. Water in the air is different from water in lakes and ponds and rivers which is again different from water in the oceans. Water is the most dynamic compound on the planet.

Magnetic fields may indirectly affect water thru the mechanism of altering the hydrogen proton which is the nucleus of the hydrogen atom. Under the influence of a varying or oscillating magnetic field the hydrogen proton swings to and fro. It gives off a low frequency pulse of around 2700 Hz (called the hydrogen precession frequency). This conceivably could influence events within our bodies or produce some changes at the molecular level. (Payne, 1984)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging techniques make use of similar effects. Perhaps protons of other atoms are also affected by geomagnetic storms. Although the effects would be small they could be significant for a biological organism.

At times of heightened sunspot activity, solar flares and events occur on the Sun which increase the solar wind flow and produce turbulence in Earth’s magnetic field. This in turn may alter hydrogen protons within water and other organic compounds and produce subtle heretofore unrecognized effects. Many different researchers have found associations between crimes, riots, accidents, illnesses, psychotic episodes, and wars and solar and planetary magnetic activity. There is also a link between geomagnetic activity and weather. Interactions with the hydrogen proton in high altitude clouds may be an actor in this as well.


Many research topics come to mind and a few are listed below:

  1. Is this a different form of energy? Or just a different form of magnetism?
  2. Is it unique to living organisms?
  3. Can the water exposed to the emanations be stored?
  4. Haw can the effects be amplified or increased?
  5. Can specific emanations be detected from Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto? From Mercury? From the stars or the galactic center?
  6. Many pulsars oscillate at frequencies near those common to the human brain. They also have enormous magnetic fields. Can they produce effects on hydrogen protons?


This preliminary work is merely exploratory. There are many variables and unknowns which need to be untangled one by one in some systematic manner if possible. It’s premature to make any definite conclusions at the present time. This could take years of research and is beyond the powers of one person. Therefore it is hoped that others will carry these simple experiments forward in their own creative ways. Since the apparatus is so simple, anyone can make original discoveries. It should be an exciting scientific adventure!


  • Payne, B., A New Instrument for Detecting a Biological Energy Field. Am, Journal of Acupuncture, Dec. 1983.
  • Payne, B., The Sounds of Earth’s Magnetic Field, It’s Influence on Health and Wars. Ear Magazine of New Music, 9 (4) Dec. 1984.
  • Reich, W., Selected Writings, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, N.Y. 1973.

Buryl Payne is the author of THE BODY MAGNETIC and makes magnetic field instruments.

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Victor Schauberger and His Work Tue, 01 May 1979 07:00:00 +0000 ]]>

Article by Albert Zock — from Journal of Borderland Research (Vol. 35, No. 3, May-June 1979)

Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958)

Victor Schauberger, proponent of spiral and centripetal force, is known to the reader through the BSRF publication No. 2-Q, “Implosion Instead of Explosion”, by Leopold Brandstatter (1955). I was very impressed after reading this and attempted to find out more about it, such as subsequent developments or new research.

The Austrian Patent Office was contacted but gave no information. Mr. Schauberger’s son ignores requests from this continent. Mr. Brandstatter’s widow offered assistance, however, and I wrote to the people she referred me to. Both Mr. Brandstatter and Mr. Schauberger are now dead.

Victor Schauberger was a Forest Ranger before and after the First World War under Prince Schaumber-Lippe of Bavaria. This area was still a beautiful and unspoiled corner of the world then. One day, as often before, he was watching some trout standing motionless in the strong current of a mountain stream. For him, they had always been the symbol of the Man of Tomorrow who, he felt, would no longer need hard labor to survive. When he disturbed them with his cane they didn’t dash to the side, but always went forward into the current. Schauberger assumed that a force unknown to the science of the day was influencing their behavior.

The period that followed was difficult for him, that is until he discovered the Implosion Force. As happens to anyone harboring a new thought, no one understood him. He couldn’t find a tradesman who would manufacture a spiral pipe with a dent in it. His criticism of fellow scientists caused him still more difficulties. He supported his theory with experiments but no one would listen as he was by then considered a dangerous outsider.

He was eventually found troublesome enough to warrant committing to an institution. He was, however. fortunate enough to have friends with influence and soon left, with a document in hand stating that he was in possession of all his faculties. He was henceforth the only one who could prove his sanity without the shadow of a doubt.

Early publication of Schauberger’s invention resulted in an invitation to work in America.


He came to Texas with his plans and models hoping to build a power plant for the home, which would make cheap electric power available. Unfortunately, the promises that had been made to him came to naught, and Schauberger, a very disillusioned man, became ill. He had consented under agreement to remain in Texas for three months. At the end of this period he was persuaded to sign the following contract before going home. Five days after landing in Europe, he died (1958).

Riley Crabb: No wonder Schauberger's son wants nothing to do with America or Americans! This shabby treatment of the Austrian inventor proves that his Implosion motor was a threat to the established oil and nuclear power interests. So they murdered him with false promises, just as the Sick Industry broke the heart of Georges Lakhovsky in New York City in the early l940s, with a research program on his Multi-Wave Oscillator which deliberately went nowhere! ]

The Schauberger contract stated:

  • that all of his patents would become the property of a consortium managed by a Mr. Donner
  • that any future inventions or developments would also be owned by this consortium
  • that he would refrain from discussing any of it with other parties
  • that he would refrain from publishing
  • that all plans and models would remain with the consortium

Like many inventors before him, Schauberger died poor, but his work and ideas are still alive. His son, Dip. Ing. Walter Schauberger, for one, is teaching about Schauberger’s achievements in his Pythagoras-Kepler School.

Schauberger was a multi-faceted inventor. At the beginning of his career as a forest ranger he worked for a landowner whose young wife often went to the Riviera to play the casino at Monte Carlo. Always in need of money, her husband wanted to increase logging productivity. Oxen were then used to transport logs. This was slow and expensive. Schauberger suggested floating them down the creeks instead. He estimated the cost reduction at 90%. Engineers declared this was impossible since oak and beech are heavier than water and cannot float.

Schauberger knew his idea would work on cold winter nights if a spiral could be created in the flowing water, but that would have to be in a trough or flume with laths of larchwood nailed diagonally to implode the flowing water. The heavy logs went forward like bullets shooting out of a rifle. They twisted about their own axis without ever bumping against the walls of the trough, even at full capacity.


The spiral is subject to bi-polarity. There are harmonious and inharmonious spirals, the same as with melodies. A spiral is harmonious when its radii are divisible by a whole number, i.e., 1 for the first coil, 1/2 in the second coil, 1/3 in the third coil, etc.

Tubing for Flowing & Gaseous Media (Osterreichisches Patentamt Patentschrift Nr. 196680)

Nature uses egg shapes — one of its secrets. But it works slowly. Applying this principle would be inefficient in view of today’s pollution and destruction. For this reason Schauberger wanted to speed up the natural processes. He observed that the planets orbit around the sun while at the same time spinning on their own axis. There is a double pattern as in waltzing. The spiral pipe incorporates this characteristic. It is conical and generally egg-shaped except for an inner bend along one quarter of its circumference. The shape causes the water to roll inward under the action of the rotor on which the pipes are mounted.

The manufacture of such a pipe was at first difficult; but a solution was eventually found: a sheet of copper was cut to the harmonious measure, bent in the shape of a pipe, welded along its length (embodying, of course, the irregular ovoid mentioned above). The impossible was made possible. We know that Nature uses the spiral in many ways: hurricanes, twisters, tornadoes, streams and ocean currents. The Tesla coil, for instance, seems to work through this principle, or perhaps works better because of it. When the last three inches of the secondary winding are tapered and conical, the coil gives a better performance (e.g., the end where you attach the MWO antenna). If interested, you can obtain the conical ceramic insulators for this purpose ($3.50) from Information Unlimited, Amherst Professional Building, Box 716, Amherst, N.H., 03031. They carry transformers for Tesla coil 5000 Volt – l6 M Amp ($18.00) and plans and kits for Tesla coils and high voltage capacitors as well.


Schauberger introduced us to implosion and the centripetence force. Was he the first one to stumble upon this and put it to use? Chinese frugality is often chided by saying that anything that crawls in China eventually finds its way into the frying pan. Similarly, one could perhaps say that anything the Egyptians knew found its way into the Pyramids. Were the spiral and centripetence forces also incorporated into the Pyramids, beside the Pi, the Phi and all the other mathematical data which has been discovered therein?

Edward J. Kunkel says he has investigated almost every inch of the interior of the Great Pyramid. He suspected it was actually a giant ramp pump and that the pyramid was built by floating the blocks on barges on the rising water level in the interior of the Pyramid, as the name pyramid implies. In Greek, “pyr” means water, and “amid” means within. On page 30 of his self-published book, “The Pharaoh’s Pump”, Mr. Kunkel included a diagram of what is known as the well. He feels certain this was the air combustion chamber for the ram pump, which system would have included all the other passages as well. According to Mr. Kunkel the shape of the well had the following effect: Air trapped near the small ceiling formed a cushion, and the moment a downward flow occurred, air pressure in the cell conversely became extremely high and, seeking relief, moved the water between the cell and the chamber, thus initiating the action which a moment later developed into a whirlpool. A model worked better with this cell than without it. Was it knowledge or accident? Inspired by what he found in the Great Pyramid, Kunkel invented a ram pump and obtained a U.S. Patent on it.


Dr. Rudolf Steiner, M.D., the founder of Anthroposophie, found that the sap of both summer and winter mistletoe made a good remedy against cancer when injected. He called it Iskador. He described cancer as a disorder of the cell structure for which summer and winter mistletoe, when used together, could work wonders because of their regulating ability. Furthermore, during the process there is a build-up of a sort of electrical energy as the drops fall; this electrical energy, although a side effect, seems to be the main healing force. This energy initially got lost during the mixing of the mistletoe as it was done by centrifuge. Dr. Med. Karl Koller, who was oriented to spiral force, reversed the process and used centripetal force which conserved the electrical property of the medicine. He called the drug Iskusin. (Electricity created by falling drops will be discussed later.)


The pollution affecting the river Elbe in West Germany made it impossible for the city of Hamburg to use it as a source of drinking water. Deep wells had to be ‘drilled’ and it was found that the water contains carbonic acid which is corrosive and endangered the City’s water system. Carbonic acid can be neutralized with lime, at a ratio of 100 grams of lime to one cubic meter of water, or 6.6 tons of lime to 66,000 c.m. of water, to be mixed during a 24-hour period. Lime and water were mixed spirally by a mixer, the upper portion of which had a saucer-like shape with a diameter of 83″ and was 23½” deep. A whirling arm of 3¼” diameter was driven by a motor. Not I only did the centripetal motion do all the mixing, but also reduced the need for lime by 50% in each well. The city uses six such mixers.


Because of his experience with all kinds of water problems, Schauberger was nicknamed “water magician”. He was once invited to Bulgaria in connection with the problem of farmland drying out. The Bulgarians were then using steam plows, the plough-shares being made of steel. Strangely enough, there was no drying out in the old Turkish settlements where wooden ploughs were still being used. Could the material used for the plough shares be the reason for the difference? Back home in Austria, Schauberger made experiments. His ploughshares were covered with copper plates. The result was surprising, up to 60% more harvest. New experiments show an increase of up to 100%.

The use of steel has disadvantages; it has no magnetic permeability. The earth magnetism gets cut and diverged. This creates turbulent energy fields, a chaos; but more important is the grinding off of tiny steel particles because of the fast working methods of today. The fine steel dust combines with the oxygen. The result is oxidation and rust, which not only deprive the soil of some of its oxygen — at the same time killing some of the micro-organisms in the soil — but also causes the groundwater to sink. In time the soil drys out. You can prove this by putting a small quantity of rust dust into water. This is sufficient to prevent falling drops from generating electricity.

Another experiment was used to put galvanic elements into the ground. A copper plate was attached to one side of a container of water and a zinc plate to the other. This created an electric field, its radiation saturated the surrounding soil and the growth rate doubled.


It looks like we are back to Mesmer’s experiment! If putting copper and zinc plates in water creates electricity that improves the growth rate of plants in that area, what would this do to men and women? It would be interesting to experiment in a bathtub. Leave the plates in some water for a day or two to create a build-up, then just add some hot water to fill the tub at the desired temperature. Perhaps some of the Associates would like to participate in this experiment and share their impressions with us?

A large technical company in Germany produces garden tools made from copper and byrillium, made after Schauberger’s discovery. So far they are being used only in private homes and nurseries. Copper-byrillium tools are not as hard as steel; there is more deterioration; but this is helpful as it puts trace minerals back into the soil and creates bio-electricity without which there is little growth.


Orthodontist, Prof. Dr. Balters always disliked the orthodox methods used to straighten teeth and treat gum disorders. In his opinion, freeing the creativity and healing forces of the body is a much better solution. He consulted Schauberger in Linz, Austria to get an introduction to Implosion. Dr. Balters successfully developed the Bionator, braces made of caoutchouc which work from behind the teeth and assume the shape of the desired correction. The patient can remove the Bionator at will. It uses the implosion vacuum caused by the free flow of saliva and the suction of the gum.

Schauberger Tornado Maschine Water model


A motor turns the conical rotor in the middle of the tower. The pipes are mounted with the larger opening on the rotor. The smaller end, with the jet in it, reaches almost to the wall on which a wavy steel ring is positioned. When the rotor with the pipes turns, the centrifugal force presses the water out through the jets against the wavy or rippled steel ring, which causes a recoil and relieves the motor. The centrifugal force in the winding pipes creates a suction on the bottom part and so make an almost perpetual movement. The Air Model works the same way, only upside down.

Schauberger Air Purifier

The Schauberger Biotechnic Ltd, in Switzerland manufactures an air purifier. A ventilator blows the polluted air into the egg-shaped housing. The Air rolls itself in and compressed at the bottom. Beneath the egg shape is a container with water, connected to the housing with a pipe. When the whirl is created, the water rises from the bottom through the pipe and mixes with the air, cleaning it. The clean air leaves through the top and the water flows back down depositing the dirt on the bottom.


“It is true that science has not yet solved the riddle of the waterjet, but Schauberger should not tell such fairy tales as that rolling pebbles in water disperse sparks which make the Rhine river glow at night. That makes it hard to take such a man seriously.” Such remarks were often made when someone discussed Schauberger theories. Prof. Dr. Zimmerman heard it often and, when visiting Schauberger, talked about it.

Schauberger laughed, took two pebbles out of a drawer, filled a pail with common tap water and moved to a darker corner of the room. As he rolled the stones against one another in the water, Dr. Zimmerman could observe the flying sparks which had the same force as if it had been done in the air. Cold light: it was almost as in a fairy tale.

“Once in Yugoslavia it failed,” said Schauberger. “I had in mind to demonstrate this to a group of unbelievers, got the pebbles out of the river, but got no sparks. Then it dawned on me the stones had been on a long journey along the river bed and had lost their power. Take only pebbles from a mountain or the upper part of the river; better still, break the stones and use both halves.”

Friction creates heat in the water as in the air. To create sparks, oxygen is needed and we find oxygen in water as well as in air. The legend about the glowing Rhine river may not be a fairy tale after all. When the strong river current pushed the rocks downstream, and the stones bumped against each other, then in the darkness of the night the dispersing of the sparks could be clearly seen (the water in those days was still clear and unspoiled). Today, after grading the river bed and its shores, the polluted water has lost its magic.


In different places in Austria and Germany, tests are being done with great enthusiasm on home power plant models. The greatest obstruction has been finding ways to construct the shape of the spiral pipes. This problem has now been solved with an accuracy and ease that were not possible in Schauberger’s time. First, a wooden model was made. The profile of the outside will be the profile of the inside of the pipe. To achieve this, the wooden model has a two-piece form adjusted around it in some flexible material. After the material has hardened, the model will be taken out and wax poured in its place. The wax core will then have the shape of the wooden model and requires special handling.

First, it will be covered with a kind of epoxy or something similar in which powdered copper has been mixed. The second coat is made of layers of fibreglass tapes to reinforce it since it will be the wall of the pipe. Another coat of epoxy or other strong material finishes the product. After all coats have hardened a little heat makes the wax flow out and the spiral pipe is completed. And what is the status of power plants in America?


Schauberger Tornado Maschine Air model

Victor Schauberger’s friends have not forgotten the bad experience he had in the U.S. Since his plans and models remained here, they keep a watchful eye across the Big Pond for any news about related inventions. Special attention was given to a newspaper report about an American engineer who suggested using wind energy by creating a man-made whirlwind in a silo-like tower. Ing. James Yen, working for the Grumman Aerospace corporation, estimates that a turbine of only six feet in diameter could deliver two million watts. It would take a conventional turbine measuring 200 feet in diameter to produce the same results. The silo-like tower is steady, has an open top and is open on one side. The wind enters the tower through the wing-like opening, starts a whirl and this, in turn, reduces the atmospheric pressure in the center. A vacuum is created, forcing air through the turbine. The sucked air makes it spin. Mr. Yen expects much from the comparably small turbine. Experiments in wind channels confirm his theory. He is confident that it would be possible to build whirlwind generators with a capacity of 100 and even 1000 megawatts. Let us hope the atomic age is over soon!

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